E-Green Jobs

Skills and competence of workers employed in green sector with e-learning technology use (E-Green Jobs)
E-Green Jobs is an European project for Transfer of Innovation (ToI), to support the development of the professional figure of "green" technician in Poland.
E-Green Jobs, funded under the Leonardo da Vinci program of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) (2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37625), started on October 1st 2013 and has a two-year duration (end on 30th of September 2015).
E-green Jobs aims to create a web platform to assess the knowledge gaps of technician of the green sector in Poland, thanks to the transfer of the IT infrastructure by the Hungarian partner and modules and educational content by AISFOR and ADENE, the Portuguese partner.
E-green Jobs comes from the results of a careful analysis of context and of learning / professional needs in the "green" sector in Poland which highlighted the absence of some professional figures and the need for a better professional training in the Polish economy and business fabric, in particular in areas related to energy and agriculture. In Poland, E-Green Jobs aims to develop professional skills in the "green" field of the following professional profiles:
- experts on energy certification of buildings, designers and architects;
- young farmers (under 40 years old) seeking additional income;
- technicians / installers searching new job opportunities, with preference for the unemployed;
- operators in energy sectors, dealing with installation companies - SMEs.
Coordinated by a Polish organization, the project sees the collaboration of partners from four European countries.
Partner E-Green Jobs
AISFOR SRl (AISFOR) - Italia - Marina Varvesi - varvesi@aisfor.it
Techin - Polonia
DIDA Network (DIDA) - Italia
Centrum Zielonych Technologii (NAREW) - Polonia
Vistula University (VISTULA) - Polonia
Agência para a Energia (ADENE) - Portogallo
Planned Activities
As part of the two-year work plan of E-Green Jobs the activities to be implemented are:
- Analysis on the training needs in the "Green" industry, in the countries involved (Poland, Portugal, Hungary and Italy)
- Evaluation of the results of this analysis to identify the most requested professionals figures in Poland, their level of qualification under the Polish system of professional qualifications and skills that should have and if anything, the training required
- Creation of content for the IT platform for the evaluation of the knowledge gap (primarily through the transfer and adaptation of the one made available by the transferring partner: AISFOR, ADENE and NAREW
- Realization of the IT platform for the evaluation of acquired skills and missing
- Validation of the platform and its contents.
As part of E-Green Jobs, AISFOR will transfer the training modules successfully developed and delivered in the last years and also provide support by sharing its expertise gained in this area both as a training institution and as an expert entity. In particular AISFOR supports the Polish partner NAREW, recipient of the transfer of innovation, to acquire skills in the management of agricultural enterprises.
AISFOR will carry out the activities in Italy in strong synergy with the main players in the "green" market and in the professional training market.
Expected Results
- Analysis of "green" industry needs in all the involved countries - User Need Analysis
- Definition and construction of ontologies for "green" technician
- Realization of the IT platform for the evaluation of acquired skills and knowledge gaps.
- Publication on the platform of the evaluation tests to identify knowledge gaps for the "green" technician with general skills on solar, biomass and hydro-energy.
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