

AISFOR team consists of professionals in the world of consulting, finance and research with interdisciplinary and complementary experiences.

AISFOR also collaborates with experts carefully selected according to their specific and proven expertise in the relevant area.

  • Corrado Milito

    Responsabile servizi di formazione e lavoro

  • Massimo Bianchini

    Responsabile sede formativa accreditata

  • Marina Varvesi

    Responsabile progetti europei

  • Virginia Dicuonzo

    Project Assistant

  • Diana Zimelli

    Project Assistant

  • Davide Parziale

    Project Assistant

  • Pierpaolo Romano

    Project Assistant

  • Federica Petraroli

    Project Comunication Officer

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D.Legs 196/2003*

Project on evidence



      Energy Auditors Competences, Training and Profiles (ENACT) ENACT is an European project which aims to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the green professional qualification and competences of Energy Auditors (according to the European Directive …

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