

AISFOR undersigns agreements and contracts with research institutions, associations, universities and educational institutions, social partners and businesses, local authorities and organizations in order to implement common initiatives and synergies, also at European level.

Agreements with our partners are based on the collaboration for the development of common initiatives with the aim of enahncing through the collaboration the initiatives, skills and market knowledge of each other. The agreements aim to encourage concrete initiatives for the promotion and implementation of European policies such as:

- protecting workers interests and qualification, training, security and implementation of equal opportunities;

- technological innovation and promoting actions of social responsibility and sustainable development of enterprises;

- facilitate career choices through direct knowledge of the job market and facilitate the education and training process of young people, unemployed and job seekers.

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D.Legs 196/2003*

Project on evidence



      Energy Auditors Competences, Training and Profiles (ENACT) ENACT is an European project which aims to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the green professional qualification and competences of Energy Auditors (according to the European Directive …

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