
Since 2005 AISFOR is a training company accredited at Lazio Region - Department of Education under DGR 1510/2002, DGR 968/2007 and LR 23/1992, Title V - as provider of higher and continues education in various sectors (ISFOL classification):
1703 - TOURISM
2605 - IT

In 2008, with a view to increase communication and full transparency, AISFOR published its "Quality Charter", based on the quality system management procedures and methodology used to provide training services.
“Charter of Quality” represents a communicative and informative corporate tool to inform our clients on AISFOR commitments to guarantee the high quality and transparency of the offered services, in strategic terms (quality policy), organizational (predisposition and supply of proposal), operational (objectives and specific standards) and estimates (guarantee system of customer / beneficiary).
In pursuing its mission, in order to implement high quality services for the customer satisfaction and thus consolidate its market position, AISFOR always assumes the following commitments:
work with a transparent, fair, honest, respectfull and discrete behaviour,
carry out the work with professionalism, with the objective of a continuous improvement,
provide and ensure a service focused and suitable to the specific needs,
ensure an problem-solving and continuous improvement approach,
develop tools and methods for evaluating results and outcomes of the activity performed.
AISFOR adopts a corporate strategy aimed both to qualify and consolidate its market position and to facilitate the internal management of activities and resources.
As part of its strategy, AISFOR has set the following specific objectives:
Acquiring customers in full and complete autonomy, in full compliance of the market rules, at national and international level,
Planning a long-term growth, reinforced yearly, for professionalism, prestige and invoice,
Operating with full approval and trust of its customers,
Investing according to the favorable trend of growth, on structures and professional resources,
Working with an approach aiming at internal standardization, process control and improvement, through a responsible involvement of all its professional resources, internal staff and external experts,
Carrying out an accurate and critic internal assessment in order to timely pinpoint difficulties and to identify possible improvement actions,
Ensuring a thorough knowledge and awareness of the company's quality on behalf of all the resources, internal staff and external experts.
In order to properly and efficietntly disseminate its quality policy to all its staff, the “Charter of Quality” is:
- posted on the board at the headquarters of AISFOR and in all the locations where AISFOR operates (in particular at the training centers),
- published on the website of AISFOR,
- published on the company brochure.
Moreover the “Charter of Quality” is periodically discussed, and revised in meetings aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the initiatives undertaken by AISFOR in order to achieve its strategy and mission. Annually, directors review the quality objectives, such as the achievement of the performance indicators foreseen, including customer satisfaction, status of management, results of the different activities.
Growth goals are pursued through a process of optimization of modes of communication and transmission of all information to outside and inside and between the different organizational functions, and also commending and motivating staff, whose involvement and active participation is an essential prerequisite for the implementation of principles and methodologies of a system of quality management.