Developing a transnational governance and holistic integrated services framework supporting the sustainability of European energy communities


The COMANAGE Project "Developing a transnational governance and holistic integrated services framework supporting the sustainability of European energy communities” financed by the LIFE programme (LIFE21-CET-ENERCOM-COMANAGE/101076753), is a strategic initiative born from the shared experience of the members of its partnership, actively engaged in the promotion of energy communities throughout the European Union. The project recognises the challenges faced by citizen-led and public-participated energy community projects in gaining momentum and sustainability.

Following the implementation of the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package and the new role attributed to the active consumer under this legislation, these Communities are becoming central in Italy and Europe, contributing significantly to promoting environmental, social, and economic benefits, and to combating energy poverty, even though they are still extremely limited by legal, administrative, social and financial obstacles to their spread.

The proposal of COMANAGE is the direct result of this experience, aiming to overcome the main challenges that hinder the governance and project management of the energy communities guided by citizens and with public participation. This will be achieved through the development of a Methodological and Operational Framework for the Governance of Energy Communities and the provision to public authorities involved in such projects of a complete set of integrated services, tools and supports aimed at simplifying the management and governance of energy communities and other energy initiatives based on the participation of citizens, promoting their growth, and ensuring their sustainability in the medium and long term. This set of resources is known as the "Energy Communities Governance Toolkit".

In this context, the project aims to contribute to the implementation of integrated management and governance services, tools and support mechanisms that facilitate the active and effective participation of local authorities in urban initiatives on energy transition, like the Energy Communities.



  • Support the establishment of a transnational and multidisciplinary network, composed of experts in the field and facilitators, that allows the management and governance of projects on Energy Communities;
  • Facilitate the creation and growth of energy communities;
  • Training the staff of regional and local administrations on the subject of the management of Energy Communities;
  • Reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions;
  • Encouraging investment in renewable energy sources.



  • Creation of a Toolkit for the staff of regional and local administrations on the management of Energy Communities, the ECGT (Energy Communities Governance Toolkit);
  • Implementation of Operational Integrated Services Hubs, which will provide (online and offline) aggregation and services concerning the Communities;
  • Training and delineation of knowledge enhancement programs related to Energy Communities, with additional support of an e-learning platform;
  • Development of strategic recommendations on this issue and possibility to replicate the results obtained in other territories.



  • AISFOR srl - AISFOR (IT)
  • Asociacion Ecoserveis - ECO (ES)
  • Area Metropolitana de Barcelona - AMB (ES)
  • Asociacion Nacional de Empresas de Servicio Energeticos - ANESE (ES)
  • Co-operative Leadership and Collaboration Institute Not-for-Profit Civil Society - COOPABILITY (EL)
  • Stowarzyszenie Metropolia Krakowska - KMA (PL)
  • Anci Associazione Regionale Comuni Italiani Lazio - ANCI LAZIO (IT)
  • Association Mondiale Des Grandes Metropoles - METROPOLIS (FR)
  • Revolve Water - REV (BE)



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