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Success for Enact Conference in Naples. On line conference slides

by Aisfor
Success for Enact Conference in Naples. On line conference slides

The conference, that was held in Naples last 1 April, to present Enact Energy Auditor had a great participation. Chiara Marciani, Assessor for Education in Campania Region Administration, was also present. She was very impressed and interested in understanding career opportunities of the new professional figure and she would like to place the same figure in the repertory of the professionals of the Campania region.

"The conference - said Marina Varvesi, Project Manager of the ENACT project - received excellent feedback,  in terms of visibility and participation.
It was not an easy bet to fill a room during a working morning. But we can say that we won. And this thanks to the interest aroused by the matter, and the panel of speakers who distinguished for their professionalism, training, competence, thickness of the exhibited items ".

The deadline for the request for participation is April 11, 2016. The free course  will start on April 15 and will end on May 30.
All the conference slides are atteached to this article. Attached also the press review of the event.

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Attachment List

ENACT presentazione progetto (Marina Varvesi)ENACT presentazione progetto (Marina Varvesi)

ENACT: Sperimentazione in Italia del percorso formativo (Corrado Milito - Aisfor)ENACT: Sperimentazione in Italia del percorso formativo (Corrado Milito - Aisfor)

ENACT Percorso formativo-Prima Parte (Claudia Magri,Danilo Di Pietro, Graziano D' Eustachio - Agena)ENACT Percorso formativo-Prima Parte (Claudia Magri,Danilo Di Pietro, Graziano D' Eustachio - Agena)

ENACT Percorso formativo-Seconda Parte (Claudia Magri,Danilo Di Pietro, Graziano D' Eustachio - Agena)ENACT Percorso formativo-Seconda Parte (Claudia Magri,Danilo Di Pietro, Graziano D' Eustachio - Agena)

AE Competenze Normative (Valentina Russo, +39 Energy srl)AE Competenze Normative (Valentina Russo, +39 Energy srl)

EGE_Esperto in Gestione dell'Energia (Francesco Belcastro - SECEM)EGE_Esperto in Gestione dell'Energia (Francesco Belcastro - SECEM)

Progetto Bricks (Anna Moreno - ENEA)Progetto Bricks (Anna Moreno - ENEA)

Riqualificazione Energetica Edifici (Ing.Vincenzo Lattanzi)Riqualificazione Energetica Edifici (Ing.Vincenzo Lattanzi)

ITOWN (Giovanni Carapella Formedil)ITOWN (Giovanni Carapella Formedil)

Rassegna StampaRassegna Stampa

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