Class n.8

Class n.8

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in placerat tellus. Vestibulum dapibus, ipsum ut pretium tempus, ligula mi semper ex, ac vulputate libero ante eu orci. Integer a quam ac ipsum posuere malesuada sed eu metus. Duis suscipit posuere ligula, quis placerat augue. Maecenas vestibulum ex a efficitur aliquam. Nulla vitae luctus sem, eget consectetur lacus. Vivamus in ipsum vitae purus commodo aliquam vel sit amet lacus. Duis sem velit, imperdiet at pulvinar non, interdum nec mi. Proin non diam eget purus elementum interdum non ac nisl.

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Project on evidence

E-Green Jobs

        Skills and competence of workers employed in green sector with e-learning technology use (E-Green Jobs) E-Green Jobs is an European project for Transfer of Innovation (ToI), to support the development of the professional figure of "green" technician in Poland.  E-Green Jobs, funded …

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