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Enact Energy Auditor will be presented in Energy Med

by Aisfor
Enact Energy Auditor will be presented in Energy Med

The new professional Enact Energy Auditor profile, and training related to it, will be presented next April 1 in the ninth edition of Energy Med, the exhibition on renewable sources and efficiency,  to be held in Naples from March 31 to April 2.
ENACT addresses the skills matching challenge in green sector of the emerging professional profile of the Energy Auditor.

In line with the various European directive on energy efficiency of buildings, ENACT aims at harmonizing and standardizing at national level the vocational and training needs of the various professional figures working in the energy efficiency of buildings sector, to define at an European level the competencies and training needs of a new professional figure “ENACT energy auditor”.

More specifically, the project intends to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the professional qualification and competence on an emerging dynamic segment of the green-job market: Energy Efficiency of Buildings.

The course to become ENACT Energy Auditor,  which provides a final exam, it is totally free and is open to graduates in technical and scientific subjects that want to operate in the energy sector with particular reference to the performance of energy audits in residential.

The project also aims to provide the foundation to integrate and extend the activities and skills of ENACT Energy Auditors from the residential sector to the entire civil sector (including services and public administration) and to industrial and transport sectors .

In attached the event programme.


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