ENACT final conference on June 22

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"ENACT Energy Auditor" is the title of the final conference of the ENACT project which will be held on June 22 in Giulianova (TE) and in all the countries involved in the project (Poland, Portugal and Spain).

Contemporarily to the main conferences in Giulianova (Italy), also in the other countries there will be the holding of the ENACT final conferences and all the satellite national conferences will be connected with the conference in Giulianova. Therefore the final conferences represent an important milestone of the project as the achieved results will be presented to the public in a really European dimension and will be shared with the stakeholders of all the countries involved. Thanks to the internet connection the speakers in Giulianova will target not only the public in Giulianova but also all the stakehodlers participating in the national final conferences thus largely disseminating the results of the project.

The agenda of the final conferences foresees two sessions:

European session - common to all the satellite conferences. This session will be held in English (with the translation in the National languages) and the project partners will illustrate the activities carried out and the achieved results, with particular reference to the ENACT energy auditor profile and relative qualification scheme and training.

National session -  further the European session, each satellite conference will present topics of particular interese at national level related to the energy efficiency job market. In Italy, the conference will constitute an opportunity to present the financial suppost for the take up of energy efficiency measures and technologies in the civil and to show the procedures for access to the recent Thermal statement (DM February 16, 2016) effective from 31 May 2016 for the encouragement of measures for improving energy efficiency and for the production of thermal energy from renewable sources will also be presented.

Attached the detailed agenda detailing the Italian satellite conference entitled "La figura dell’ENACT Energy Auditor e il nuovo conto termico per la riqualificazione di edifici ed impianti".

During the conference, the activities carried out and the achieved results will be presented and shared, with particular reference to the ENACT energy auditor profile and relative qualification scheme and training. 

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      Energy Auditors Competences, Training and Profiles (ENACT) ENACT is an European project which aims to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the green professional qualification and competences of Energy Auditors (according to the European Directive …

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