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Conference: "Vulnerable consumers, domestic energy and fuel poverty - How to provide assistance"


SMART-UP conference in Rome, 14 December

AISFOR, as Italian partner of the SMART-UP project (Vulnerable Consumer Empowerment in a Smart Meter World), in collaboration with CESV (Service Centre for the non profit sector) and CILAP (national node of the European network to fight against poverty), organizes a conference on “Vulnerable Consumers, Domestic Energy and Fuel Poverty”, at the office venue of CESV (Via Liberiana, 17 - Rome)

The conference aims to raise stakeholders' awareness on fuel poverty issues, facilitate dialogue between the different national key actors and also illustrate ongoing activities and initiatives to support vulnerable consumers against fuel poverty.

At the conference representatives of the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water (AEEGSI) and of consumers associations will participate.

Registration is appreciated - please fill in the registration form or send an email to info@aisfor.it.

The Complete program is available below.

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