Energy Auditors Competences, Training and Profiles (ENACT)

ENACT is an European project which aims to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the green professional qualification and competences of Energy Auditors (according to the European Directive 2010/31/EU - EPBD recast), defining the skills and professional profile at European level of an expert on energy issues and to meet the Article 17 on the independent experts.

ENACT, funded under the Erasmus+ programme (Convention No. 2014-1-IT01-KA202-002672), was launched September 1, 2014 and has a duration of two years.


The project aims to define at European level the competences and the profile of an energy expert called "ENACT energy auditor", ie a professional figure that can carry out an energy audit of a building, releasing a certification with the measures proposals for efficiency and also following the implementation of works to do.

ENACT is a research project to analyze the legislation and the situation in the various European countries concerning professional figures in the sector of energy auditing, basing on comparative analysis, to define common competences an European figure.

The project addresses both to energy operators, potential ENACT energy auditors, and  to institutions of professional training as well as to all stakeholders, by accreditation bodies to consumer associations.

Six company from four different European country are involved in the project, coordinated from Aisfor.


Partner ENACT

Coordinator: AISFOR SRl (AISFOR) - Italy - Marina Varvesi - varvesi@aisfor.it

Rete Nazionale delle Agenzie Energetiche Locali (RENAEL) - Italy  

Agência para a Energia (ADENE) - Portugal 

The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) - Poland 

Andalusian Professional Association of Energy Managers (APADGE) - Spain 

International Consulting and Mobility Agency SL (INCOMA) - Spain 


Planned Activities

- Definition of skills and of professional figure of the "ENACT Energy Auditor"; analysis in each partner country of the regulatory framework establishing the professional figure and define the tasks/skills/training required and comparative analysis of national situations to define the matrix of job profiles and competences in the various European countries

- Definition and development of programs, materials and training resources of the ENACT energy auditor; definition of educational outcomes and of ECVET for ENACT; validation of ENACT profile at national and European level;

- Development of ENACT integrated system; development and implementation of the ICT system of ENACT, including modules and tools; validation of the system and the ENACT program; definition of the final profile and training programs of ENACT;

- Draft of recommendations at European level for ENACT;

- Organizations of two national events in each country involved and of an European event at the end of the project.

ENACT Social

To request information on ENACT activities write to info@aisfor.it

Further information are available on the project website http://www.enactplus.eu/eng-home


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For the full "Energy auditors competencies and professional profiles" (O1), please send an email to info@aisfor.it.

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ENACT final conference on June 22

"ENACT Energy Auditor" is the title of the final conference of the ENACT project which will be held on June 22 in Giulianova (TE) and in all the …read all

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